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Third edition of the International Conference on Emergence in Africa will be held in Dakar from 17 to 19 January 2019

2018-10-25   |   

At the end of economic sluggishness and successive crises in recent years, the
economy of the African continent has been marked since 2017 by an acceleration of its
growth momentum. In addition to the effects of a favorable international environment,
stronger domestic demand and rising agricultural production, the simultaneous
implementation of country-level contingency plans is beginning to bear fruit. This
renewed growth leaves room for optimism that the changes needed to trigger the
structural transformation model desired by countries aspiring to economic
emergence will be implemented. This economic take-off model, which is also intended
to bring about social change, aims to achieve a clear improvement in the standard of
living of the population and a considerable reduction in inequalities and
unemployment. It is within this framework of action that the International Conference
on the Emergence of Africa (CIEA) was established. Its main purpose is to support this
dynamic, based on pooling expertise and good practices in this area and initiating
strategic debates for the optimal implementation of emergency plans.

The first two editions of CIEA held respectively in 2015 and in 2017 in Abidjan, had been
an opportunity for leaders of African countries, for nation experts and donors to
analyze different trajectories of emergence and to deepen the issues around the
selected themes. The third edition of CIEA (CIEAIII), which will be organized jointly by the
Government of Senegal, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), in
partnership with the World Bank and the African Development Bank (ADB), will focus on
the theme central: "Emergence, Private Sector and Inclusiveness". The objective will be
to deepen the debate on the robustness of growth and inclusivity in Africa’s
emergence plans through, in particular, a better positioning of the private sector
supported by strong partnerships with the State to promote strong, resilient, and
inclusive growth that values ??the potential of all territories. CIEAIII will take place at
CICAD (Abdou Diouf International Conference Center) in Dakar from 17 to 19 January
