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2017-03-09   |   

ICEA 2017: Minister Kaba Nialé Meets the Press
Thursday 09 March 2017. Abidjan. Mrs Kaba Nialé, Minister of Planning and Development and Mr.Babacar M’Baye Cissé, UNDP Resident Coordinator in Côte d`Ivoire, held a joint Press Conference on the stakes behind the International Conference on the Emergence of Africa (ICEA).

Côte d’Ivoire will host the second edition of the International Conference on the Emergence of Africa (ICEA) from 28 to 30 March 2017. This high-level meeting is a joint initiative of the Government of the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Given the magnitude of this conference, Mrs. Kaba Nialé, Minister of Planning and Development and Mr. Babacar M’Baye Cissé, UNDP Resident Coordinator in Côte d’Ivoire held a joint Press Conference on the stakes of this International Conference.

For more than an hour, Kaba Nialé, Minister of Planning and Development and Mr. Babacar M’Baye Cissé presented the key results of the first edition of this conference, before announcing the main themes of the 2017 ICEA.
The ensuing discussions gave the journalists present at the Press Conference the opportunity to express their concerns without reservation. These concerns were taken into account for a very good coverage of the event, and especially the information relay to the populations. The two speakers urged journalists to become an integral part of this event to meet the development challenges, especially when it comes to the mobilization of the actors and information of the populations.

To allay any doubts and address the concerns of journalists about the capacity of African countries to become emergent, Nialé Kaba and Babacar Cissé asserted that some countries are already on the way to becoming emergent and others should follow their example. Hence, the importance of the ICEA, the leitmotiv of which is the sharing of experiences.

Kaba Nialé concluded the Press Conference with these words: "Even if they have different agendas for achieving emergence, the one thing they have in common is that they share the same objective of becoming emergent”.
