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2017-03-09   |   

Less than twenty days before the opening of the second edition of the International Conference on the Emergence of Africa (ICEA 2017), the Minister of Planning and Development, Mrs. Nialé Kaba and the Resident Coordinator of the System of the United Nations in Côte d’Ivoire, Mr. Babacar Cissé held a press conference this Thursday 9 March, at Immeuble SCIAM, in Plateau. The two personalities who are working to ensure the organisation of the 2017 ICEA is a success have invited media representatives to be their partners for the promotion and implementation of African countries’ plans for emergence.

Whilst the two speakers had no doubt that all African countries engaged in the process of emergence have structured plans, they said that it is in the implementation of these plans that shortcomings still remain. This is the reason why this issue is the major focus of this meeting, which will be held in the economic capital of Côte d’Ivoire, from 28 to 30 March 2017.
Thus, they have urged journalists to become an integral part of this event, to meet the development challenges, especially when it comes to the mobilization of the actors and information of the populations. “Because, most often, the populations are not informed about development plans and their implementation” Mrs. Nialé Kaba added. Therefore, the role of the Press in informing the public about what is being done at the highest level of the State, on the basis of the needs of the populations, is important in her eyes, and constitutes the foundation of development plans.

To allay any doubts and address the concerns of journalists about the capacity of African countries to become emergent, Nialé Kaba and Babacar Cissé assured that some countries are already on the way to becoming emergent and others should follow their example. Hence, the importance of the ICEA, the leitmotiv of which is the sharing of experiences.

"Even if they have different agendas for achieving emergence, the one thing they have in common is that they share the same objective, which is heavily dependent on regional integration” according to Babacar Cissé.
At the end of this Press Conference, which follows on the heels of their meeting with the diplomats accredited to Côte d’Ivoire and the private sector, Nialé Kaba and Babacar Cissé invited the members of the press to comply with the accreditation procedures, which are to be found on the conference website: http://africa-emergence.com/.
