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ICEA2019: The diplomatic corps sensitized on the issues of the meeting on emergence

2019-01-04   |   

The 3rd edition of the International Conference on the Emergence of Africa (ICEA III) seems to arouse the interest of accredited ambassadors to Senegal, in view of their massive presence at the awareness meeting organized on Thursday by the scientific committee.

Indeed, some of those who took the floor have expressed their willingness to take part in this meeting, where more than a thousand participants are expected, which will focus on the central theme "Emergence, the private sector and inclusiveness".

The minister, advisor to the President of the Republic, Gnounka Diouf, president of the scientific committee explained to them the stakes for African countries. She gave an update on the scientific and administrative preparations and the next steps in the preparation.

She then gave the floor to the representative of UNDP, who explained the agenda of the conference. The program includes themes on the promotion of the private sector as driver of emergence to develop national champions and private investment and another on inclusiveness as a guarantee for sustainability of emergence dynamics.

In each of these themes, there will be a plenary session, parallel sessions and panels including heads of state, the private sector and heads of institutions (UNDP, World Bank, ADB).

The agenda also mention special events with countries like South Korea, Malaysia. In Senegal, the Consortium for Economic and Social Research (CRES) was commissioned to organize this event.

ICEA III intends to address the issue of the private sector in the emergence process. Indeed, it has been found that the weight of the private sector is still low and economic growth is often driven by public investment and consumption, resulting in increasing debt and unsustainable and non-inclusive growth.

For the initiators of the conference, a strong private sector, led by national champions, and competitive sectors are necessary for the structural transformation of the economy and the significant improvement of the living standard and well-being of the population.
In this context, they deem it urgent for African economies to relay and amplify public investment through massive private investment, the development of competitive sectors and the emergence of national champions.

This is the interest of CIEAIII, whose general objective is to deepen the debate and propose practical solutions for African emergence plans, through visible commitment of the national private sector supported by strong partnerships with the State for a strong, resilient, inclusive growth that values the potential of all territories.

Source : Equonet.net
