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Interview of Mrs. Kaba Nialé, Minister of Planning and Development

2017-03-10   |   

In this interview, Mrs. Kaba Nialé, Minister of Planning and Development, the linchpin of the organization of the second edition of the ICEA, takes stock of the first edition of the ICEA and provides some information on the organization of the second edition.

Honorable Minister, what conclusions and lessons can be drawn from the first edition of the ICEA at a time when we are coming around the last bend into the second edition?

The International Conference on the Emergence of Africa (ICEA) has been designed as a platform for exchange to stimulate debate on the conditions for the emergence of African States, in the

light of the dynamics of structural transformations in emerging countries. The 2015 edition provided an opportunity for countries aiming to achieve emergence to learn from the best practices, in order to improve their operational policies and strategies,
accelerate the growth of their economies and ensure the well-being of their populations.

What about the recommendations made at the end of the 2015 edition ?

The 2015 ICEA produced a declaration, which recommended, inter alia, the setting up of a strategic intelligence center, the organization, every two years, of a forum on best practices when it comes to emergence, the establishment of a high-level committee to ensure the political follow-up of the said declaration, and the creation of a Regional Executive Secretariat.

Under what auspices does the Government of Côte d’Ivoire want to place this second edition?

At the end of the 2017 ICEA, the Government will feel gratified by the achievements, namely better knowledge of the dynamics of emergence under way in
some African countries. This will also provide an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the bottlenecks that impede the implementation of plans for
emergence, including aspects relating to the financing (options and risks). The Conference will ultimately present tools, methods and procedures for modernizing public administrations, with a view to setting up a platform for sharing best practices in the implementation of plans for emergence, better identification of productivity and margins of

competitiveness in key sectors, and the presentation of practical options to accelerate the industrialization of Africa and create jobs for the youth.

What are the main themes to be covered during these three days?
During these 3 days, the experts will share their visions and experiences on emergence. On the program, there will be a high-level plenary on: What vision for the emergence of Africa, two plenary sessions on the governance of public institutions
and on structural, inclusive and sustainable transformation. Additionally, (7) parallel sessions will be held, focusing on the planning, implementation and monitoring & evaluation of emergence, the condition for the implementation of plans for
emergence, which will analyze the role of the actors, namely the State, citizens and the private sector, and the planning and financing of infrastructure for emergence. With regard to structural, inclusive and sustainable transformation, the relevant
sessions will focus on the industrialization of African economies and job creation, emergence and urbanization, in order to scrutinize the role of infrastructures, business development and entrepreneurship, as well as the development of human capital.

Who are the personalities or heads of state expected?

We are expecting 58 countries from Africa, Europe, Asia and America. Five Heads of State are invited. These are the Presidents of Ethiopia, Kenya, Senegal, Equatorial Guinea and Rwanda.

What are the main thrusts and objectives of this edition?

The general objective of the 2017 ICEA is to deepen the debate on the issue of the implementation of Africa’s plans for emergence, in the light of experiences in
Africa and elsewhere in the world. Specifically, the aim will be to discuss the African best practices in terms of implementation of plans for emergence
from the institutional, economic and social perspectives, share implementation tools and methods to accelerate structural transformation and industrialization, in order to create jobs for the youth. The second edition of the ICEA will enable the initiation of a peer learning process through the analysis of case studies of African countries engaged in the process of emergence and the development of a network of exchange and work between the bodies responsible for coordinating and monitoring the implementation of plans for emergence. Furthermore, this meeting will lead to a common understanding of evaluation indicators (such as the emergence index developed by the Performance Group) for measuring success in the implementation of plans for emergence.

Is this conference supported by development partners?

For the success of this important event, the Government of Côte d’Ivoire has the support of the UNDP, the African Development Bank, the World Bank and other partners, such as JICA, who may join us.

Who is taking part in this second edition of the ICEA?

Research and development institutions, experts from all countries of the world and the private sector can participate in the 2017 ICEA. There is no discrimination. This is an inclusive conference.

One of the recommendations of the first edition was the institutionalization of the second edition? Will Abidjan continue to host its sessions?

The ICEA will be institutionalized this year, with the establishment of a Permanent Secretariat based in Abidjan. This is an event that will take place every 2 years. Rotation is the principle, and the next country will be formally designated during the 2017 ICEA.

What are the practical arrangements to be taken, in order to take part in the 2017 ICEA?

To take part in the 2017 ICEA, you must go to the official website of the event www.africa-emergence.com and register online. Participants will find a list of hotels and information on how to obtain a visa on this website. For journalists, a registration form is online for those who want to apply for accreditation.

The following information will be requested when registering online: confirmation of accommodation, validity of the passport, confirmation of living expenses, criminal record, as well as verification of record of recent health risk.
