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"Africa must reject the underdevelopment fate"

2019-01-19   |   

"To win the challenge of emergence, we need a mindset that is to believe in ourselves, to mobilize beneficial partnerships ..." said the President of the Republic Mr. Macky Sall, during the opening of the third edition of CIEA III, which is held from 17 to 19 January 2019.

From the outset the Head of State, Mr. Macky Sall thanked the guests who attended the meeting. These include the President of Mali, Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, Prime Ministers of Malaysia and Ivory Coast among others.

Selon le Président Macky Sall, l’Afrique refuse la fatalité du sous-développement malgré un passé handicapant, elle est résolument tournée à aller de l’avant. « Nous devons compter sur nos propres forces car l’aide au développement ne peut pas nous développer » a-t-il ajouté.

According to President Macky Sall, Africa refuses the underdevelopment curse despite a disabling past; it is resolutely turned to go forward. "We have to rely on our own strength because development aid cannot develop us," he added.
Returning to the theme: emergence, private sector and inclusiveness, Mr. Sall will say that the subject is vast because it raises several questions including access to credit, national and international private sector reports.

In addition, he insisted on the need to industrialize the African continent because Africa cannot only be content with the sale of raw materials. Before adding that need support to the private sector is necessary in order to make it viable and competitive.
