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Private sector is a key driver of Africa’s emergence

2019-01-19   |   

Dakar, Senegal – A private sector sharing a common vision with a strong developmental State is essential to maintaining African countries’ path towards inclusive emergence, participants to Third International Conference on Emergence in Africa (ICEA-III) heard today at a a high-level interactive panel discussion between heads of State, Head of institutions, and representatives of the private sector.

Themed Emergence, Private Sector, and Inclusiveness, the gathering was officially launched by H.E. Mr. Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal at the Centre International des Conférences Abdou Diouf, in Diamniadio.

ICEA-III addresses the role the African private sector and governments can play in furthering the growth trajectory of African countries.

The continent’s recent accelerated growth, buoyed by stronger global demand, is driven in part by increased domestic consumption, public investments in infrastructure, and a boom in telecommunications and air transportation, a trend more pronounced in countries with plans for emergence.

Also in attendance were: H.E. M. Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, President of the Republic of Mali; Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, Prime Minister of Malaysia; H.E. Mr. Amadou Gon Coulibaly, Prime Minister of the Republic Côte d’Ivoire; Mr. Achim Steiner, Administrator of the UN Development Programme (UNDP); Mr. Adesina Akinwumi, President of the African Development Bank Group; and Ms. Ségolène Royal, former Minister of Environment of France. Also present were Tony Elumelu, Chairman of the United Bank for Africa, and Mr. Baidy Agne, President of the Senegal’s National Council of Employers.

“The quest for emergence is based on a long-term vision and commitment that translates this vision into action. To believe in ourselves, define our own priorities, commit our resources and intelligence, and mobilize mutually beneficial partnerships. This is what needs to be our daily task, to forge with our own hands the destiny of a prosperous and emerging Africa.” said Mr. Macky Sall.

Impressing upon the audience the urgent need to carefully manage the transition towards emergence, UNDP Administrator Achim Steiner said: “For Africa, it is vitally important that the development process be inclusive.”

“If you ignore notions of inequality, fairness and inclusiveness,” he continued, “sooner or later your development process implodes, whether through extremism and terrorism or through polarization and nationalism.”

Among the day’s highlights was a presentation on the Lessons and Challenges of Promoting National Champions in Africa given by Ms. Ahunna Eziakonwa, UNDP Regional Director for Africa.

Since its inception, ICEA’s goal has been to support African countries’ capacities to implement emergence plans by pooling their expertise and sharing experiences and best practices.

In March 2015, ICEA-I highlighted the conditions for Africa’s emergence, as well as lessons learned from the economic and social transformations at work in emerging countries. Two years later, ICEA-II focused on challenges in implementing emergence plans and the importance of a developmental State and robust public administration.

More than 500 representatives of governments, international development institutions, academia, the private sector and civil society are expected to attend ICEA-III.
