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Innovations of the second edition of the ICEA explained by Mr. Babacar Cissé, UNDP Resident Coordinator and Resident Representative

2017-02-16   |   

Based on the lessons learned from the 1st edition in 2015, it has been decided to discuss the theme of the “effective implementation of the plans for emergence” at the second edition of the 2017 ICEA, one of the “soft spots” of several African countries.
More precisely, the second edition will focus on “the governance of institutions” and “structural, inclusive and sustainable transformation”, as outlined by Minister Nialé Kaba.
The work of the ICEA will also benefit from contacts with Asian and Latin American countries. “This is why we have approached Singapore, whose public administration’s organization and efficiency are a reference around the world. We have also approached some Latin American countries, notably Mexico and Columbia, with proven experience in the coordination of government action. This is also the case for Malaysia which several African countries are currently inspired by in their efforts to strengthen the mechanisms for implementing their plans for emergence. We will benefit from the experience of China in terms of industrialization”.
Apart from the biannual edition of the ICEA, all these experiences are being documented to be made available online on the exchange and discussion platform currently being developed.
