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Abidjan - Côte d'ivoire

Hôtel Sofitel Ivoire

November 29th to 30th, 2021

2 productive days

More than 1000

high-level experts expected

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Speakers & Panels


2015-03-03   |   

As part of the preparation for the International Conference on the Emergence of Africa, to be held from March 18th to 20th, 2015 in Abidjan, three officials met with the ambassadors accredited in Côte d’Ivoire: the secretary of state for Planning and Development, Dr. Albert Toikeusse Mabri, the representative of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and the UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative, Babacar Cissé.

The objective of the meeting was to introduce the international conference, its objective and challenges, to the ambassadors and diplomats accredited in Côte d’Ivoire. The meeting seeks as well the support of the ambassadors and diplomats in mobilizing their countries’ delegation and participation to the conference.

In his address to diplomats, the secretary of state stressed and this in line with the UNDP Resident Representative, "the need to inform and win the support of ambassadors, diplomats, country’s representative for an active participation of their respective country". He equally advised them that the Conference is organized by the Government of Côte d’Ivoire with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and in partnership with the World Bank and the African Development Bank.

The organization of this conference comes at a crucial time for the continent. Indeed, during the last decade, the continent has distinguished itself in the most remarkable way. With current average economic growth of 5?rica ranked among the world regions with strongest economic growth. This continental achievement led Côte d’Ivoire and many African countries to step on the path of emergence. Some countries have therefore designed their emergence plan through different approaches and engage into their economies’ long-term planning.

Introducing the objectives and expected outcomes of the International Conference on the Emergence of Africa, the UN Resident Coordinator, UNDP Resident Representative stated that "the conference is a unique opportunity to establish a platform for exchange and dialogue between developed countries, emerging countries and African countries aspiring to emerge and those already engaged in this process "
The International Conference on the Emergence of Africa will bring together African Heads of State, representatives of governments, multilateral institutions, research centers, private sector and civil society.
